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First Post

· One min read

Hello, my friend!

It's been a while since my last blog writing.

I've been fascinated with writing and sharing, it's been my hobby. But those past few years were very busy for me, when I was focusing more on work, family & personal development.

This is my first blog post after a while, a really long time. I really enjoy writing.

So now, I set myself up for a challenge:

  • Write 1 blog post per week.

My writing would be focusing on sharing what I've learned during my last 10 years in software development industry. My writing would be focusing on the foundation of what an engineer needs to become a great engineer. It would not be about fancy technologies and stuff, but more about problem solving, data structure & algorithm, database, scalable software architecture, etc. It would not only include technical stuff, but also about Emotional Intelligence, Communication and other soft skills that an engineer needs to become a great engineer.

See you, my friend!

I wish you a good day, and I'm looking forward to seeing you again in my blog.

Best regards,

Dat Hoang